Physics science department held a seminar entitled High-Performance Materials and their modern applications
Under the auspices of the President of University of Diyala Professor Dr. Abbas Fadhil al-Dulaimi and under the supervision of the Assistant Professor Dr. Tahseen Hussein Mubarak the Dean of the College of Science, Physics science department at College of Science held a seminar entitled High-Performance Materials and their modern applications.
The lecture has included, which delivered by the teacher assistant Hind Waleed Abdullah, the definition of high-performance materials, characteristics and their resistivity to the external factors, introducing the best ten materials that the human has discovered and their industrial uses. Also, the lecture has been focused on the choice of KEVLAR FIBER SUPER MATERIAL and onto identifies the most prominent characteristics and features of that material, as well as, the American company that produces it. That material has been discovered by the scientist Stephanie Kolek 1967. This material contains mainly on a series of man-made molecules, and this series depends on the strong correlation among the rings of carbon atoms. These rings are stronger about five times than the strength of the steel and it has a feature of not stretching; also it is currently is the greatest human inventions. Kevlar fiber is type of crystalline polymer.
The lecture also has been focused on the most important industrial and military applications of this material. The lecture also focused on the most important industrial and military applications of this material and identifying the commercial type of these fiber.
At the end of the lecture, the provider has been emphasized on the most important industrial developments for NASA in the field of ceramic tissue industry and the usage of Kevlar fiber in the space as an overlapping materials hybrid called new clothes, Superhero Ceramics (Nextel fabric).
Also, the provider has indicated other types of hybrid composed of more than one fiber to the same fabric, and the entry of these materials into modern applications because of the balance of the performance and cost, which has opened up new horizons and has achieved extraordinary success in the industrial areas.