First Skype meeting – HEP small grant
The first Skype meetingto discuss the small grant project of college of science of University of Diyalawith IREX was held on Tuesday 28February 2017 at 3:30-4:30 pm where we are represented by the Dean of College of science professor Tahseen H Mubarak and the assistant dean professor Karim H Hassan and head of biology department assistant professor Munther H Radhi and professor Abdul Lateef Molan from biology department and Assitant professor Taha M Hasan from computer science. The IREX was represented by Mrs Lori Masan from USA –IREXwhere the following points were discussed .
- Focusing on Elements that apply broadly to any field in STEM and then as possible go into specific fields. We will not focus directly on a specific department but it will be more where it can fit to more than one department.
- Finding the partnership with U.S. universities to help make changes to curriculum, student learning outcomes, help develop strategies for practical, hands on learning, and competency based education.