Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Light Weight Concrete by Using Phenolic Resin (Novolac)
Physics Department at the College of Science – University of Diyala, discussed the thesis masters student (Wissam Abdul-Kareem Hussien) entitled (Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Light Weight Concrete by Using Phenolic Resin (Novolac)) on (Thuresday) (2017/3/2) in the Discussions Hall at the Deanship of the College of Science.
In this research studying the effect of coarse light weight resin novolac with sand and cement on some mechanical properties of the samples of concrete and the proportion of water/cement (0.4) test under the age of 7, 28 days and include the mechanical properties and thermal ( compressive strength, thermal insulation and acoustic) and volumetric mixing ratios (1:2:4).
The studying effect for aggregate crushed novolac resin hardened with cement the presence of heat and pressure as assistant factor on some mechanical properties and thermal ( compressive strength, thermal insulation and acoustic insulation) equal proportions mixing of crushed novolac resin hardened with cement ( bakelite concrete ) test under the age of 2 day and include mechanical properties thermal and compared the result with normal concrete.
Included laboratory work of three different parts: the first part was poured 21 cubic dimensions ( 100mm* 100mm* 100mm ) to measure the compressive strength, the part second was poured 11 circular discs ( 100mm* 2.5mm) to measure thermal conductivity , the third part was poured 6 square plate dimension ( 230mm * 230mm* 8mm ) to measure acoustic insulation.
The results of laboratory tests to obtain the mechanical properties and thermal ( compressive strength, thermal insulation and acoustic insulation ) good compared with normal concrete, examined SEM and through image showed correlation between concrete components (grinded novolac resin hardened with cement the presence heat and pressure as assistant factor (Bakelite concrete).
The results indicated that concrete aggregates (grinded novolac resin with cement the presence of heat and pressure as assistant factor ) (Bakelite concrete) led to increase in compressive strength 92 MPa and density of 1761.1 kg / m3 .
The message was acceptance and earned the student a master's degree in solid state physics and materials.