A new global scientific achievement … Diyala Journal for Pure Sciences has received a fifth global scientific impact factor
In a series of ongoing scientific achievements of the College of Science, deanship, its teaching and office staff and the scientific units at the college, deanship of the college is pleased, which is represented by assistant professor Dr. Tahseen Hussain Mubarak esquire, to bring to all college's employees the tidings of obtaining our scientific Journal (Diyala Journal for Pure Sciences) to a fifth global impact factor of 1.134 from institute (Scientific Indexing Services), and here this achievement put our college ahead of the colleges at the university, and we will not be exaggerating to say ahead of all colleges at the Iraqi universities for getting five global impact factors from different institutes.
Thereby significantly, name of the university (the University of Diyala) is raised high in international forums, especially after acquiring advanced centers locally, regionally and internationally in the ranking of international universities Webometrics and access to third place at Iraqi universities.
This achievement came as a result of follow up and ongoing support by Mr. Rector esteemed Prof. Dr. Abbas Fadhil al-Dulaimi , as well as the extraordinary efforts of the general supervisor of the Journal assistant Prof. Dr Tahseen Hussain Mubarak and his continuous striving to develop the Journal's management commensurate with its scientific and global position. Also, the efforts of Mr. Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Professor Dr. Karim Naksh Hassan, who has a prominent role in these achievements for the Journal, as well as the efforts of management of the college's website.
Also, we congratulate all of our dear employees and students for this scientific progress for our college, and we ask Allah to success and guide them to the service for the scientific journey and renaissance of our beloved Iraq.