College of Science, University of Diyala supports and participates at the international French research school of mathematics CIMPA
College of Science, University of Diyala participated at the international French research school of mathematics CIMPA that held at the University of Salahaddin – Erbil, and it was sponsored by CIMPA-IMU, the French Embassy, College of Science, as well as the host, University of Salahaddin – Erbil with the participation of specialists researchers in the field of mathematics from many countries, such as, France, America, India, Morocco, Algeria and Iraqi universities, such as, Muthanna, Anbar, Tikrit, technological, Sulaymaniyah, Salah al-Din and Diyala for the period from 20 to 30 December 2015. Dr. Fatima Mohammed Aboud, who is the head of the department of Mathematics Sciences at the College, University of Diyala, had represented that by giving (8) lectures in the field of mathematics which included the basis analytical theoretical for the issues of the boundary differential equations (ordinary and partial).
The school's program included theoretical and applied lectures through knowing the Ordinary and Partial differential equations, trying to find their solutions by adding initial or boundary conditions, approximate them, and then solve them by using FreeFm++ program, as well as, laboratory hours aimed to give an idea to the participants about FreeFm++ program, set it up, use it, programming and solve many application problems, such as, Dirichlet, Poisson equation.
However, this was not the first participation for our college, but it participated and supported this school for several times, the last time was in May 2014. Also, professor Dr. Abdul jaleel Nashawy from the French Nant University, has participated by giving lectures.
This school is considered as the first school of this type in the region, and it was an evidence for the continuous cooperation among CIMPA and French Nant University with the Iraqis universities generally and with our university in particular, as professor Dr. Abdul Jaleel mentioned that at his speech at the beginning of the school’s program.
Mr. President of the University of Salahuddin also welcomed in his speech the participants and the audience at the school from various Iraqi universities and paid tribute to the extraordinary efforts of both Dr. Fatima Mohammed Aboud and professor Dr. Abdul Jaleel Nashawy and continue their cooperation in the development of scientific research in the Mathematical Sciences. Also, He honored them a shield contains a picture of the castle with logo University of Salahuddin. The delegation of our college consisted of all of assistant lecturer Sarkash Khalid Rida, assistant lecturer Asma Khawam and assistant researcher Doaa Jaseem Ahmed.