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    The Mission 


The mission of the Department of Chemistry is consistent with the mission of the College of Sciences: to make use of scientific and academic research to produce graduates well-versed in problem solving and critical thinking skills. Diyala graduates stand poised to play an integral role in Iraq’s development by sharing their knowledge with governmental departments that are working to resolve the many health, environmental, and industrial issues that face our beloved country. 

The department also focuses on creating a spirit of research integration through the establishment of research teams for the various disciplines of chemistry.  These teams have clearly defined lines of investigation which enhance each group’s ability to isolate and solve their part of a research problem. The department works diligently with faculty to encourage excellent teaching in order to produce graduates who are both scientifically and practically competent.




1. Prepare students to be specialists familiar with the theoretical and practical principles of chemistry in order to meet the needs of Iraq’s labor market. 

2. Teach chemistry to students in other departments within the College of Sciences and other colleges in the university. 

3. Perform scientific research while staying current with worldwide research and development in the field.

4. Provide chemical analysis services and scientific consulting for both state institutions and the private sector.