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College of Sciences  |  University of Diyala

Department of  Biology


The founding of the Department of Biology in 2001 coincided with the founding of the College of Sciences and the arrival of the first cohort of 80 male and female students, graduated in 2005.  Since that time, the department has continued to expand hundred more than begging. The department has classrooms, equipped with display screens and other emerging technologies.


The department also has laboratories for Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, and Microtechnology, as well as a separate lab for postgraduate studies.  Each lab contains the equipment necessary for scientific research and teaching.  The department has qualified faculty members with various specialties, as well as postgraduate students from universities inside and outside of Iraq.



Head of department

Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Hadi Mohammed


Secretary: Department of Biology





Message from the chairman


            I would like to welcome our visitors to the website of the Department of Biology at the College of Sciences at the University of Diyala. It is my pleasure to provide you with some information about the BSc program in Biology and the details of the curriculum, the disciplines of the faculty members, and their research interests. 


The department has classrooms and laboratories equipped with sophisticated scientific equipment to facilitate research in diverse areas of cellular and molecular biology, microbiology, parasitology, medical laboratory science, biotechnology, and environmental sciences.


The department boasts a qualified faculty with a variety of scientific degrees. Many of them have significant university teaching experience in countries such as England and New Zealand.  High-level training opportunities are available for students enrolled in our department that enable them to easily enter the labor force and work in the fields of health, education, the environment, and agriculture.


With the help of God, the department received official approval, including that of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, to open the postgraduate studies in Microbiology in the academic year 2014-2015. Moreover, night classes have been offered in the department since 2013. 


 Mission and Vision

The Department of Biology offers its students high-level training to prepare them to enter the labor force upon completion of their degrees.  Graduates are qualified to work in medical laboratories, secondary schools, agriculture, environmental affairs, water resources, and other institutions related to the biological sciences.


  1. Offer a theoretical, scientific, and practical study of the biological sciences.

2. Prepare graduates to work in the fields of medicine, health, agriculture and food science.

3. Train students to use equipment and devices vital to theoretical and applied studies.

4. Provide specialized employees to the state, private, and mixed sectors for medical, industrial, and research positions.

5. Investigate and stay up to date with the latest developments in the biological sciences and incorporate them into the curriculum.