College of Sciences Dyiala University
Registrar Office – Undergraduate Studies
Registration Procedures
After the announcement of admissions to universities, the students accepted in our college should check with the Registrar Office to process their enrollment bringing with them the following documents:
1- High school transcript.
2- Medical check up.
3- Six color photos (white background) .
4- Iraqi id certificate (copy).
5- Iraqi id card (copy).
6- Primary school CARD.
7- Sponsor S document.
8- Residence card.
9- Receipt of registration fees.
Upon the completion of these procedures, the student will be registered and referred to a department after a competition of students is made according to their average and interest. The students should confirm their registration every year by going to the registrar office to fill out a specific form and bringing the fee receipt. The student should provide the registrar office with the ID certificate within two years; otherwise the admission will be cancelled. The student will be issued the college ID card after filling out the form required. The permanent students are provided with a certificate verifying that they are still enrolled at the college at their order after filling out a specific form. This certificate is verified by the scientific department, the archive, the registrar, and dean’s assistant. This certificate should be addressed to a specific body or institution.
Director: Dher Intisar Bakr.
Members: Phaten Abdulqader Ibraheam,Layla Abdulhaq Ismaial, Adnan Abdulhussien, Ali Qadban Mohamead, Erowa Alaa Hussain and Sabreain Abdulkaream.