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The Vision


The Department of Physics aims for excellence in teaching and research and for significance scientifically in order to serve the local market.  We enable students to exercise their right to learn the science of physics, both theoretically and practically, and to be competitive in the job market.  This enables us to contribute to the advancement of the community [country Iraq by:


1. Providing laboratories with modern advance laboratory equipment's.

2. Providing the laboratories with equipment and devices necessary for the teaching process.


3. Providing the laboratories with equipment and devices that will facilitate faculty and student research.

4. Enriching the department’s library with books and updated journals.

5. Ensuring that the faculty includes scholars from diversified disciplines within physics.

6. Properly maintaining departmental equipment.

7. Providing the classrooms needed for optimal instruction.

8. Providing up-to-date lecture hall technology.

9. Encouraging faculty to do scientific research in order to demonstrate their academic talents.

10. Raising the faculty’s computer competence.

11. Encouraging the faculty to learn foreign languages.

12. Providing training and communication opportunities for the faculty inside and outside the country.

13. Updating the curricula on a regular, scheduled basis.

14. Studying the needs of the local market and potentially establishing new specialties within the department.

15. Expanding student potential by offering new programs, which give students practice in scientific experimentation.

16. Organizing seminars and workshops, which enable students to improve their scientific and teamwork skills.


1. To meet the needs of the state and the country by producing scientifically qualified graduates in the field of physics at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

2. To produce graduates equipped with the right research skill sets in order to support Iraq’s technical progress.

3. To provide highly qualified faculty capable of working at the university level to deliver scientifically and pedagogically sound instruction.

4. To provide graduates capable of postgraduate studies that will enable them to contribute effectively in research and scientific and technical problem solving.