كلية العلوم | جامعة ديالى قسم علوم الحاسوب أ. م. د. عبدالباسط كاظم شكر | البحوث المنشورة ت عنوان البحث أسم المجلة تأريخ النشر Impact No. أختصاص البحث تصنيف المجلة رابط البحث 1. Comparison between Radial Basis and Backpropagation Neural Network in Face Detection Diyala Journal for Pure Science 2012 محلية 2. EDGE DETECTIONAPPLICATION OF FIRST AND SECOND ORDER DERIVATIVE IN IMAGE PROCESSING Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences 2015 محلية 3. Face Recognition Based on Multi Features Extractors IEEE 2017 SCOPUS 4. Performance of Face Recognition System Using Gradient Laplacian Operators and New Features Extraction Method Based on Linear Regression Slope Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2018 جميع التصنيفات 5. Evaluation of Face Recognition Techniques Using 2nd Order Derivative and New Feature Extraction Method Based on Linear Regression Slope IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security VOL18 No3 March 2018 2018 جميع التصنيفات 6. Neural Network Behavior Analysis Based on Transfer Functions MLP RB in Face Recognition DATA 18 Proceedings of the First International Conference on Data Science Elearning and Information Systems Article No 15 2018 جميع التصنيفات 7. Robust face recognition algorithm based on linear operators discrete wavelet transformation and simple linear regression DATA 18 Proceedings of the First International Conference on Data Science Elearning and Information Systems Article No 15 2018 SCOPUS