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كلية العلوم  |  جامعة ديالى

م. زينة محمد علي عباس


جامعة ديالى / كلية العلوم / قسم علوم الفيزياء

الإسم الرباعي

زينة محمد علي عباس رسول

Zena mohammed ali abbas




اللقب العلمي

استاذ مساعد

Assistant. professor

التخصص العام



التخصص الدقيق

فيزياء الحالة الصلبة

Solid state physics

المواد الدراسية للتدريسي

أسماء المواد الدراسية

عناوين المحاضرات

Numerical Analysis

باللغة العربية

باللغة الإنكليزية


Definition of numerical analysis


Relative error


Newton's method Raphson and its importance


Solution of non linear equation with one variable.


Introduce the student to the point method fixed


Method of false position


the types Ordinary Differential Equations And ways to solve it numerically


Euler's method


Improved  Eulers method.


Runge –kutta method


Numerical integration


the importance of integration Numerical and its difference from integration



Introducing the student Squares and Trapezoid Method


Introducing the student to the Simpsons method


Introduce the student in a table manner Romberg


Definition of numerical analysis



Relative error

Sound and wave motion  

عناوين المحاضرات


Wave Motion ,Introduction to Waves and Types Velocity and Frequency


Characteristics of Wave Motion


Types of Waves: Transverse and Longitudinal


Energy Transported by Waves


 Mathematical Representation of a Traveling Wave


The Wave Equation


The Principle of Superposition


Reflection and Transmission



Oscillations and Waves



Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM).



Energy and Power of a Traveling String Wave.



The Principle of Superposition for Waves.



Sound wave

Snell’s Law: The Law of Refraction



Light Waves



The Doppler Effect

الإتجاهات البحثية

باللغة العربية

باللغة الإنكليزية


  1. Study and Characterization of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles

Prepared by Chemical Method using X-Ray Diffraction and

Scanning Electron Microscope. American Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN 2301-2005 Issue 77 October, 2012, pp.49-53 (

2-Preparation and study structure properties of Zinc-Copper ferrite (ZnOx CuO1-xFe2O3 ) nanoparticles(2017), Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP), e-ISSN:2278-4861, Vol. 9, Issue 6 Ver. 111(Nov.- Dec., 2017 PP08-12. (

3-Powder metallurgy synthesis and structural characterization of (ZnO-CdO) Nanocomposites (2016).

4-Synthesis of the X-ra diffraction and scanning electron microscope to study power metallurgy prepared by 0.6 ( ZrO) and 0.4 (ZnO)  2015. International journal of current research, ISSN: 0975-833X, Vol. 7, Issue, 05, pp. 15702-15705, May, 2015.

5-  Using X-Ray Diffraction and Scanning Electron Microscope to Study Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles prepared by Wet Chemical Method.  Advanced Materials Research, 2012, Vol.685 (2013) pp 119-122.

6 – Study the structure and morphology of the compound (ZnO) 0.8(CuO)0.2 by using nano materials. Diyala Journal For Pure Science, ISSN: 2222-8373,Vol: 10 No:3, JULY 2014.

7- Structural and Electrical Investigations of Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticle

Prepared by Metallurgy Method. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences,

ISSN: 0976 – 0997, Vol.9, Issue 51, December, 2018.

8 – Structural, Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Cobalt Copper Ferrite Nanoparticles Prepared by sol–gel method. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 19 (2018) pp. 14231-14235.

9- Development and study the effect of sintering temperature on structural of cadmium ferrite Nanoparticles Prepared by ceramic method. Research Journal of Applied Sciences 13(11):681-685, 2018, ISSN: 1815-932X

10 – Preparation iron oxide nano powder in 20 minute, AIP Conference Proceedings   , 020140-1–020140-6,2020

11 -The biological activity of Zinc oxide and copper oxide nanoparticles against Staphylococcus aurous and Escherichia coli bacteria, Solid State Technology, Volume: 63 Issue: 6,2020

12 -Structure and magnetic properties of Zn-Mn-Fe2O4 prepared by Sol-Gel method. Bulletin of National Institute of Health Sciences

 Volume 140, Issue 01.2022.

13- A recent study of the structural properties between of Mn-Zn-Fe2O4and Mn-Zn-Fe2O4 /TiO2 nanocompasite. Eurasian Journal of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (EJPCM). Volume 5| April 2022.


14- Study the effects of sintering temperature to Zn0.45Mn0.55Fe2O4 Nano ferrite and enhance structure, magnetic, and electrical properties. ResearchJet Journal of Analysis and Inventions- RJAI. Volume 3, Issue 4 April., 2022.

15-Co-precipitation method for the preparation of Mn-Zn Ferrite and study their Structural and Magnetic properties. Journal of Ovonic Research, Vol. 18, No. 4, July – August 2022, p. 473 – 479.


إتصل بالتدريسي

Google Scholar : Zena mohammed

Research Gate : zena mohammed



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