كلية العلوم | جامعة ديالى
م. زينة محمد علي عباس
جامعة ديالى / كلية العلوم / قسم علوم الفيزياء |
الإسم الرباعي |
زينة محمد علي عباس رسول |
Zena mohammed ali abbas |
الشهادة |
ماجستير |
Msc |
اللقب العلمي |
استاذ مساعد |
Assistant. professor |
التخصص العام |
الفيزياء |
physics |
التخصص الدقيق |
فيزياء الحالة الصلبة |
Solid state physics |
المواد الدراسية للتدريسي |
أسماء المواد الدراسية |
عناوين المحاضرات |
Numerical Analysis |
باللغة العربية |
باللغة الإنكليزية |
Definition of numerical analysis |
Relative error |
Newton's method Raphson and its importance |
Solution of non linear equation with one variable. |
Introduce the student to the point method fixed |
Method of false position |
the types Ordinary Differential Equations And ways to solve it numerically |
Euler's method |
Improved Eulers method. |
Runge –kutta method |
Numerical integration |
the importance of integration Numerical and its difference from integration Analytical |
Introducing the student Squares and Trapezoid Method |
Introducing the student to the Simpsons method |
Introduce the student in a table manner Romberg |
Definition of numerical analysis |
Relative error |
Sound and wave motion |
عناوين المحاضرات |
Wave Motion ,Introduction to Waves and Types Velocity and Frequency |
Characteristics of Wave Motion |
Types of Waves: Transverse and Longitudinal |
Energy Transported by Waves |
Mathematical Representation of a Traveling Wave |
The Wave Equation |
The Principle of Superposition |
Reflection and Transmission |
Oscillations and Waves |
Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM). |
Energy and Power of a Traveling String Wave. |
The Principle of Superposition for Waves. |
Sound wave Snell’s Law: The Law of Refraction |
Light Waves |
The Doppler Effect |
الإتجاهات البحثية |
باللغة العربية |
باللغة الإنكليزية |
1 |
Prepared by Chemical Method using X-Ray Diffraction and Scanning Electron Microscope. American Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN 2301-2005 Issue 77 October, 2012, pp.49-53 (www.eurojournals.com/ajsr.htm) 2-Preparation and study structure properties of Zinc-Copper ferrite (ZnOx CuO1-xFe2O3 ) nanoparticles(2017), Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP), e-ISSN:2278-4861, Vol. 9, Issue 6 Ver. 111(Nov.- Dec., 2017 PP08-12. ( www.iosrjournals.org) 3-Powder metallurgy synthesis and structural characterization of (ZnO-CdO) Nanocomposites (2016). 4-Synthesis of the X-ra diffraction and scanning electron microscope to study power metallurgy prepared by 0.6 ( ZrO) and 0.4 (ZnO) 2015. International journal of current research, ISSN: 0975-833X, Vol. 7, Issue, 05, pp. 15702-15705, May, 2015. 5- Using X-Ray Diffraction and Scanning Electron Microscope to Study Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles prepared by Wet Chemical Method. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, Vol.685 (2013) pp 119-122. 6 – Study the structure and morphology of the compound (ZnO) 0.8(CuO)0.2 by using nano materials. Diyala Journal For Pure Science, ISSN: 2222-8373,Vol: 10 No:3, JULY 2014. 7- Structural and Electrical Investigations of Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticle Prepared by Metallurgy Method. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, ISSN: 0976 – 0997, Vol.9, Issue 51, December, 2018. 8 – Structural, Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Cobalt Copper Ferrite Nanoparticles Prepared by sol–gel method. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 19 (2018) pp. 14231-14235. 9- Development and study the effect of sintering temperature on structural of cadmium ferrite Nanoparticles Prepared by ceramic method. Research Journal of Applied Sciences 13(11):681-685, 2018, ISSN: 1815-932X 10 – Preparation iron oxide nano powder in 20 minute, AIP Conference Proceedings , 020140-1–020140-6,2020 11 -The biological activity of Zinc oxide and copper oxide nanoparticles against Staphylococcus aurous and Escherichia coli bacteria, Solid State Technology, Volume: 63 Issue: 6,2020 – 12 -Structure and magnetic properties of Zn-Mn-Fe2O4 prepared by Sol-Gel method. Bulletin of National Institute of Health Sciences Volume 140, Issue 01.2022. 13- A recent study of the structural properties between of Mn-Zn-Fe2O4and Mn-Zn-Fe2O4 /TiO2 nanocompasite. Eurasian Journal of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (EJPCM). Volume 5| April 2022.
14- Study the effects of sintering temperature to Zn0.45Mn0.55Fe2O4 Nano ferrite and enhance structure, magnetic, and electrical properties. ResearchJet Journal of Analysis and Inventions- RJAI. Volume 3, Issue 4 April., 2022. 15-Co-precipitation method for the preparation of Mn-Zn Ferrite and study their Structural and Magnetic properties. Journal of Ovonic Research, Vol. 18, No. 4, July – August 2022, p. 473 – 479.
إتصل بالتدريسي |
Google Scholar : Zena mohammed |
Research Gate : zena mohammed |
Email: zenaalbana@uodiyala.edu.iq |
الموبايل |
السيرة الذاتية |