كلية العلوم | جامعة ديالى قسم جيولوجيا النفط والمعادن أ. م. د. منذر ظاهر نصيف | البحوث المنشورة ت عنوان البحث أسم المجلة تأريخ النشر Impact No. أختصاص البحث تصنيف المجلة رابط البحث 1. Geotechnical Evaluation to the Soil of Tikrit University Using Seismic Refraction Method Diyala journal for pure sciences 2014 03.715 geophysics محلية 2. Investigation of Subsurface Structures by Using Seismic Refraction Method Northwestern of AlAnbar Governorate Iraq Diyala journal for pure sciences 2014 3.715 geophysics محلية 3. 3D Electrical Resistivity Tomography Method for Simulating of Polygonal Soil Cracks International Journal of Scientific Engineering Research 2015 geophysics عالمية غير مصنفة 4. GEOELECTRICAL AND GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION OF SUBSOIL AT A PROPOSED ENGINEERING SITE NE OF BAGHDAD CITY Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences 2016 0 geophysics محلية 5. USING VERTICAL ELECTRICAL SOUNDING IN BUILDING SITES INVESTIGATION A CASE STUDY IN SOUTH OF BAGHDAD IRAQ Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining 2016 0.744 geophysics محلية 6. Application of 2D Electrical Resistivity Imaging Technique for Detecting Soil Cracks Laboratory Study Iraqi Journal of Science 2016 0.851 geophysics محلية 7. Application of 2D Electrical Resistivity Imaging Technique for Engineering Site Investigation Journal of University of Babylon Pure and Applied Sciences 2018 0 geophysics محلية